Product Details


List of Features

Incoloy 864

INCOLOY® alloy 864 (UNS S35135) was specificallydeveloped for automotive exhaust system flexible cou-plings, EGR tubes, manifolds and tailpipes. It exhibitsexcellent fatigue resistance, thermal stability and resist-ance to hot salt corrosion, pitting and chloride stress-corrosion cracking.


%Chemical Composition

S Mn C Ti Si Mo Cr Ni Fe
(max) 0.015 (max) 1 (max) 0.08 1 - 0.4 1 - 0.6 4.8 - 4 25 - 20 38 - 30 Balance



Density & Melting Range

Melting Range (Celsius) Density
1393 - 1353  (g/cm) 8.02



Mechanical Properties

% Elongation  Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa) Yield Strength (MPa)
44 648 276

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