Product Details


List of Features

Inconel 601

INCONEL®nickel-chromium-iron alloy 601 (UNSN06601/W.Nr. 2.4851) is a general-purpose engineeringmaterial for applications that require resistance to heatand corrosion. An outstanding characteristic ofINCONEL alloy 601 is its resistance to high-temperature oxidation. The alloy also has goodresistance to aqueous corrosion, has high mechanicalstrength, and is readily formed, machined and welded.


Chemical Composition%

Cu Si S Mn C Al Fe Cr Ni
(max) 1 (max) 0.5 (max) 0.015 (max) 1 (max) 0.1 1.7 - 1 Remainder 25 - 21 63 - 58



Density & Melting Range

Melting Range (Celsius) Density
1411 - 1360 (g/cm) 8.11




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